We Are Both Right?! - An Overview of Holding the Tension of the Opposites

In a previous post, we discussed ways to walk away from relationships gracefully. However, sometimes completely cutting off ties with our opposition is not an option. We are all unique individuals with specific personalities, ideas, complexes and tendencies: Introversion vs Extroversion; Liberal vs Conservative; Warm vs Cold. Relationships require flexibility and compromise. How do we manage our emotions when we are forced to consider ideas different from our own? Carl Jung and Analytical Psychology provide insight on this conundrum through a concept known as Holding the tension of the opposites.” Let's discuss....

The Elixer, Boon: The Hero's Journey and Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o

Actress Lupita Nyong'o holds Sulwe, her bestselling children's picture book

In The Hero With A Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, the acquisition of the boon, or elixir, culminates an episode of the Hero’s Journey.  Campbell explains on page 211, “The boon that he brings restores the world (elixir)." An elixir is a “medicine with the power to cure all ills.  The boon, or knowledge, is the gift the hero earns for having the courage to undertake and complete the journey, but it belongs to the world. Like the sun shares its light with everyone, we are to share our wisdom, or boon, with others. Academy Award Winning Actress Lupita Nyong’o recently published a children’s picture book, Sulwe, about lessons she learned about beauty and self-respect. Lupita’s elixir speaks to the voices of many who felt unheard until now. Sulwe is a New York Times bestseller. Let’s discuss…..

"What You Resist, Persists" by Carl Jung, A Perspective

Recently, my friend Jean caught a debilitating cold. Per doctor’s orders, she was placed on bed rest for several days. Eventually, she recovered. Jean may catch another cold, but probably not the exact same one she just experienced. Why? Because her body is now immune to the particular virus that caused her cold.  Jean’s cold inspired me to reflect on a popular quote by Carl Jung, “What you resist, persists.” Let’s discuss….

This Jungian Life: A Podcast You Should Know

My friend Mae habitually procrastinates. If Mae has a Friday deadline to complete a task, she will start working on Thursday night. At one time in your life, you probably experienced procrastination directly or indirectly. What causes the propensity to put off into the future, what can be completed in the present?  Is it due to a lack of self-control? Laziness? Not caring? Apathy? As I pondered these questions, I coincidentally discovered This Jungian Life, a podcast which brings a psychological perspective to important issues in life, according to their introduction. From their episode on procrastination, I learned about causes for the tendency to procrastinate, and strategies used to overcome the habit. Let’s talk about it…

Peace Begins With You: The International Day of Peace, September 21, 2019

On September 21, 2019, I plan to join the world community in observing the International Day of Peace with rituals, reflections, meditation and songs. Join us. Like you, I believe peace is a daily goal. Who doesn’t want peace? However, we are challenged to manifest peace due to our internal and external political and social conflicts. Yet, within the human collective is a strong desire for peace. Why should you observe the International Day of Peace? Let’s talk about it….

Introverts, Extroverts and Pretty Wings

Coincidentally, shortly after posting an article about ending relationships gracefully, "Pretty Wings", a beautiful song by the artist Maxwell, played continuously on the radio. Seeing this occurrence as an example of synchronicity, I pondered on the song's meaning. As I reflected, ideas about chemistry, relationship incompatibility and Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types came to my consciousness. Why? Let’s go on a journey….

The Lion King and Mindfulness

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

I enjoyed Disney’s The Lion King (2019). Even though major aspects of the movie stayed true to the 1994 original, the movie felt fresh because I noticed new motifs. Specifically, the importance of mindfulness is illustrated in Simba’s journey. How? Let’s talk about it….

Exit Plan: The Right Way to Walk Away

Recently, a colleague told me about a co-worker who abruptly quit. The office manager worked overtime to reshuffle workloads to make sure customer deadlines were met. Everyone was stressed. It is considered a courtesy to give employers a two-weeks notice before leaving a job. In the heat of the moment, professionalism was put on the back burner for various reasons. Still, at the end of all relationships, including professional ones, there is a right way to walk away. How? Let’s go on a journey….

Flashdance...What a Feeling: A Song Critique Using The Hero's Journey

Published on July 4, 2019

In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of writing and implementing personal mission, vision and values statements. The next step is belief. A popular 1980’s Academy Award winning song explores the power of belief. The song is "Flashdance…What a Feeling" written by Giorgio Moroder, Keith Forsey and Irene Cara; The movie is Flashdance. Let’s go on a journey….

Why You Should Write Personal Mission, Vision and Values Statements

Most decisions are truly ours to make, but the decision-making process may be stressful because we cannot always predict the consequences. What criteria can we use to help us select the best choices for our lives? One way is to write and implement personal mission, vision and values statements. Really?  Let's go on a journey....

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Reflections on the Challenges of Leadership

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Photo retrieved from Wikipedia

The Martin Luther King Jr. Day, also known as the MLK Day, is an American federal holiday which is observed annually on the third Monday of January.  As a spokesperson for civil rights and justice, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  was a central figure of the civil rights movement. After his death, labor unions, politicians and leaders from all walks of life rallied to make his birthday a national holiday. President Ronald Reagan signed the bill into law on November 2, 1983.

In the Meantime: Coping With Life in Transition

In 2017, I started regularly writing in my journal. According to the article, Keeping A Journal Can Be Good For Your Health by F. Diane Barth L.C.S.W, writing in a journal can help you feel more grounded, manage stressful events and find clarity. At the end of the year, I read past entries. I notice how major life altering events lose power, over time. The circumstances did not change, but my perception about the issues and their effect on me were transformed. Somehow instead of being broken, I became stronger. What happened?  At a recent talk about being in the middle of change, author and Jungian analyst Dr. James Hollis, PhD shared a quote by Carl Jung that sheds insight on how we grow from unfortunate situations and manage our lives in transition: “We don’t as much solve our problems as we outgrow them. We add capabilities and experiences that eventually make us bigger than our problems.” How? Let’s discuss...

Thank You - The Importance of Gratitude

Written on November 22, 2018

In the United States, Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Traditionally, Thanksgiving is celebrated by gathering family and friends together to contemplate gratitude and share a robust meal. Menus vary by culture, but popular entrees include turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese and desserts.

Follow Your Strengths: An Interview with Dr. Ariela Freedman of MavenTree Consulting

In my post, Why Do Groups Fail? Review of the Law of Triviality and Game Theory, we explored a philosophy of life as being a game, defined as social interactions. If we are the players in life's games, then who are our coaches? During my research, I met Dr. Ariela Freedman, a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and owner of MavenTree Consulting. Ariela agreed to meet for coffee and conversations at Chocolate Coffee. We discussed how strengths-based coaching enables you to fully discover and apply your innate gifts to become the best version of yourself. 

Below is our interview:

Stone Mountain, Trees and Meditation

Stone Mountain Park, Georgia - Nature's Gem

Join me as I tour state and federal parks. Stone Mountain Park is a popular park in metro Atlanta. Let's discuss....

Agnes Scott College Hosts 100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change - 23 of the 38 Poets who read poems 

On September 29, 2018, 38 poets convened on the campus of Agnes Scott College to participate in the annual 100 Thousand Poets for Change poetry reading. Dr. Waqas A. Khwaja, a professor of English at Agnes Scott College, hosted and coordinated the program.The diverse poets covered a wide range of community concerns. The inclusive nature of the program meant that participants, from novice to professionals, could read their own works as well as works of other popular poets. Each unique voice shed light on the human condition and our authentic, yet shared experiences. The event was free and open to the community. Let's discuss...

2018: AJC Decatur Book Festival - A Commentary

In the United States, Labor Day is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. The celebration honors the American labor movement. The holiday is inclusive because everyone has had a job at one point in their lives even it if just included household chores. Most companies give employees the day off, but grocery stores, malls, restaurants, and gas stations usually remain open. Traditionally, families and communities honor the day with barbecues, gatherings, and parties. 

Poems, Poets, and Rudy Francisco

My Rudy Francisco poetry collection

The love of Poetry was introduced to me by my seventh grade teacher, Dr. Ibrahim Bayan, before he died in a tragic boat accident. He taught me the ways poems inspire, motivate, encourage, and connect us with the world. Phenomenal Woman, by Maya Angelou, is one of my favorite poems. I heard it first while watching Poetic Justice, a movie starring Janet Jackson and Tupac Shakur. As I listened to the poem all I could think about was its beauty and confidence. My love for reading poetry transferred to me becoming a poet. I also enjoy writing down my thoughts and sharing with others.

Villains: A Case Study of Ressentiment

Why Villains are Important 

Note: For the purpose of this blog, a villain is one who opposes the goals of a hero. The person does not have to be evil like they are painted in movies. They have an agenda that conflicts with the hero. A prominent characteristic is their willingness to use graceless methods to achieve their goals. For me, they serve as tests and teachers.  Let's learn together and reveal the possibilities.