A Poem Analysis: Songs for the People by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper


                                       Frances Ellen Watkins Harper - Courtesy of Wikipedia

Poems express the trials and triumphs of the human condition with picturesque imagery, relatable metaphors, intense emotions, melodic rhythms and sounds. My love for poetry began in elementary school. I fondly remember reciting and performing the narrative poem, "In the Morning" by Paul Laurence Dunbar for an elementary assembly program about the Harlem Renaissance. Memorizing all 108 lines of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe was challenging for a 7th grader, but I still remember some of the lines today. As an adult, I enjoy the poetry of Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, and Lucille Clifton, among other poets. You will regularly find me reading original poems at open mics and virtual poetry readings. Recently, I discovered the poet Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) when I did a random #poetry search on Facebook. In 1859, Ms. Harper's The Two Offers was published in the Anglo-African Magazine, which is believed to be the first short-story ever published by an African-American writer.  Known as the "Mother of African-American Journalism," Ms. Harper was a prolific writer, abolitionist and speaker. Her poetic topics include slavery, religion, civil rights and peace.  Let's discuss Ms. Harper's beautiful poem, "Songs for the People"...

What is Trauma? An Overview of Waking The Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine with Ann Frederick

Knowledge is power. When I started Synchronicity Revealed-Inspired Writings, my purpose was to share and inspire.  Thanks for going on this journey with me. After three years, my mission continues, even though my topics have expanded beyond analyzing the Hero's Journey and the philosophies of Carl Jung to include book reviews. Recently, I pondered on the impact of trauma on the human experience. At the library, I discovered Waking The Tiger: Healing Trauma by Dr. Peter A. Levine with Ann Frederick, which describes trauma from a mental and physical perspective. Let's discuss…

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene: An Overview

In a previous post, "Lessons Learned from Little Red Riding Hood and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs", we discussed Little Red Riding Hood, a fairy tale about a cunning wolf and a naïve young girl.  Unfortunately, this story is not just a children's cautionary tale.  It is not uncommon for adults to be conned, manipulated or lied to for various reasons. After experiencing a perplexing social interaction, a relative suggested I read The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. The book can make you laugh, cry and seriously be concerned about the state of humanity. However, it is worth a read.  In the Acknowledgements section of the book, Robert Greene says,

"Finally, to those people in my life who have so skillfully used the game of power to manipulate, torture, and cause me pain over the years, I bear you no grudges and I thank you for supplying me with inspiration for The 48 Laws of Power."

Let's discuss….

2021: Hope for a New Year!


Happy New Year from Synchronicity Revealed-Inspired Writings!  

2020 was a challenging year. The COVID-19 pandemic brought a wave of despair across the world. Millions have died, lost jobs, family and health due to this pandemic. As the earth begins another revolution around the sun, we are faced with a new year and attitude. I have chosen to be hopeful for a fruitful new year! Let's discuss...