Introverts, Extroverts and Pretty Wings

Coincidentally, shortly after posting an article about ending relationships gracefully, "Pretty Wings", a beautiful song by the artist Maxwell, played continuously on the radio. Seeing this occurrence as an example of synchronicity, I pondered on the song's meaning. As I reflected, ideas about chemistry, relationship incompatibility and Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types came to my consciousness. Why? Let’s go on a journey….

The Lion King and Mindfulness

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

I enjoyed Disney’s The Lion King (2019). Even though major aspects of the movie stayed true to the 1994 original, the movie felt fresh because I noticed new motifs. Specifically, the importance of mindfulness is illustrated in Simba’s journey. How? Let’s talk about it….

Exit Plan: The Right Way to Walk Away

Recently, a colleague told me about a co-worker who abruptly quit. The office manager worked overtime to reshuffle workloads to make sure customer deadlines were met. Everyone was stressed. It is considered a courtesy to give employers a two-weeks notice before leaving a job. In the heat of the moment, professionalism was put on the back burner for various reasons. Still, at the end of all relationships, including professional ones, there is a right way to walk away. How? Let’s go on a journey….

Flashdance...What a Feeling: A Song Critique Using The Hero's Journey

Published on July 4, 2019

In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of writing and implementing personal mission, vision and values statements. The next step is belief. A popular 1980’s Academy Award winning song explores the power of belief. The song is "Flashdance…What a Feeling" written by Giorgio Moroder, Keith Forsey and Irene Cara; The movie is Flashdance. Let’s go on a journey….

Why You Should Write Personal Mission, Vision and Values Statements

Most decisions are truly ours to make, but the decision-making process may be stressful because we cannot always predict the consequences. What criteria can we use to help us select the best choices for our lives? One way is to write and implement personal mission, vision and values statements. Really?  Let's go on a journey....