Stone Mountain, Trees and Meditation

Stone Mountain Park, Georgia - Nature's Gem

Join me as I tour state and federal parks. Stone Mountain Park is a popular park in metro Atlanta. Let's discuss....

Agnes Scott College Hosts 100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change - 23 of the 38 Poets who read poems 

On September 29, 2018, 38 poets convened on the campus of Agnes Scott College to participate in the annual 100 Thousand Poets for Change poetry reading. Dr. Waqas A. Khwaja, a professor of English at Agnes Scott College, hosted and coordinated the program.The diverse poets covered a wide range of community concerns. The inclusive nature of the program meant that participants, from novice to professionals, could read their own works as well as works of other popular poets. Each unique voice shed light on the human condition and our authentic, yet shared experiences. The event was free and open to the community. Let's discuss...

2018: AJC Decatur Book Festival - A Commentary

In the United States, Labor Day is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. The celebration honors the American labor movement. The holiday is inclusive because everyone has had a job at one point in their lives even it if just included household chores. Most companies give employees the day off, but grocery stores, malls, restaurants, and gas stations usually remain open. Traditionally, families and communities honor the day with barbecues, gatherings, and parties. 

Poems, Poets, and Rudy Francisco

My Rudy Francisco poetry collection

The love of Poetry was introduced to me by my seventh grade teacher, Dr. Ibrahim Bayan, before he died in a tragic boat accident. He taught me the ways poems inspire, motivate, encourage, and connect us with the world. Phenomenal Woman, by Maya Angelou, is one of my favorite poems. I heard it first while watching Poetic Justice, a movie starring Janet Jackson and Tupac Shakur. As I listened to the poem all I could think about was its beauty and confidence. My love for reading poetry transferred to me becoming a poet. I also enjoy writing down my thoughts and sharing with others.

Villains: A Case Study of Ressentiment

Why Villains are Important 

Note: For the purpose of this blog, a villain is one who opposes the goals of a hero. The person does not have to be evil like they are painted in movies. They have an agenda that conflicts with the hero. A prominent characteristic is their willingness to use graceless methods to achieve their goals. For me, they serve as tests and teachers.  Let's learn together and reveal the possibilities.

Song Critique - New Attitude by Patti LaBelle Using the Hero's Journey

What are the components that produce successful songs?  I used to believe it was only a combination of three elements: lyrics, music, and recording artist. For an example, New Attitude, a popular 80’s song, has redemptive lyrics, a techno danceable beat, and was recorded by Patti LaBelle, a well-liked R&B singer.  At the peak of its popularity, New Attitude was a staple on the air-ways, an anthem for empowerment, and was the introductory music for the Dr. Laura radio program. Recently, after hearing it on the radio, I became aware of another layer that makes it favored by many and still popular today-the songwriters used elements of the hero’s journey to craft a universally relatable story about redemption.

Why Do Groups Fail? Review of the Law of Triviality and Game Theory

The smaller the stakes, the bigger the fight

You organized a group with a clear mission statement with achievable goals. Your participants were congenial professionals with impressive resumes and resources. However, after just a few months,